Product Name:
Number of Trackers:
Core - 6 Main Trackers Enhanced - 6+2 6 Main Trackers + 2 Extensions (For Feet Only) Premium - 8+2 8 Main Trackers + 2 Extensions (For Feet Only)
Cost (Local and USD):
Prices do not include shipping. Ships from USA, Virginia. Core - $200 Enhanced - $230 Premium - $270 Custom Orders - Do inquire if needed!
IMU model:
BMI270 BNO085 Upgrade - $14 more per tracker.
Measured Battery Life & Size:
10 hrs (1000mAh)
Usb Port Type:
USB C for Charging and Firmware Uploading
Straps Included Core & Enhanced - 2x 3-1 USB C Splitter Cables. Premium - 2x 4-1 USB C Splitter Cables.
Firmware version:
l0ud’s BMI270 Firmware | 0.4.0
Battery protections used:
uses anti-overcharge diode, tp4056 breakout, and protection chip on the battery itself.
Has Resistor for Battery Level Monitoring?: